SOLANO Miniature Hexapod
SOLANO Miniature Hexapod
SOLANO Hexapod RX Scaled
SOLANO Hexapod Stabilo Scaled
SOLANO Hexapod TY Scaled

SOLANO | High-Precision Miniature Hexapod

Payload (Vertical / Horizontal)

5 kg / 2.5 kg

Linear travel range (XY / Z)

± 18 mm / ± 6.5 mm

Angular travel range (XY / Z)

± 10 ° / ± 21°

Linear/angular resolution

0.1 µm / 2.5 µrad

Height middle position

104 mm

Vacuum / Cryo / Cleanroom

No / No / ISO 5

An Ultra-Compact Miniature Hexapod for Precise Positioning

SOLANO is an ultra-compact miniature hexapod designed for the positioning and calibration of elements, achieving a resolution as fine as 0.08 µm.

The SOLANO miniature hexapod meets the rising demands for smaller size, higher resolution, precision, and stability in various applications. Its compact design, with a height of 104 mm and a diameter of 120 mm, allows it to fit into narrow spaces.

SOLANO is versatile, capable of functioning in both vertical and horizontal orientations.

A high performance control center

ALPHA Hexapod controller

Controlling a parallel kinematics mechanism like a hexapod necessitates rapid and extensive calculations to convert position instructions into motor current set points while ensuring motion security.

To achieve this, all Symetrie hexapods are equipped with a high-performance control rack that interfaces with their Graphical User Interface (GUI). Additionally, it can optionally interact directly with your software environment through an Application Programming Interface (API).

A complete and flexible Solution

Control racks are designed with:

  • A powerful multi-axis Delta Tau industrial controller
  • Drivers tailored to meet the specific requirements of each application
  • Input-output modules that enable diverse interactions with the hexapod environment

This robust and flexible control solutions can adapt to different types of motors (DC, brushless, stepper) and work with various encoder technologies (absolute, incremental, linear, rotary).

Additionally, all controllers are compatible with an optional hand-held control unit.

Choosing the right hexapod for you

Symetrie offers a free software, HexaSym, designed to simplify the process of checking the travel ranges and load capacities of each hexapod in their lineup. HexaSym enables you to select the most suitable product for your application and test various configurations. See the “software” tab for more information on HexaSym.

Click HERE to download HexaSym

Want to learn more about Hexapods? Visit our application page HERE. 

An Ultra-Compact Miniature Hexapod for Precise Positioning

SOLANO is an ultra-compact miniature hexapod designed for the positioning and calibration of elements, achieving a resolution as fine as 0.08 µm.

The SOLANO miniature hexapod meets the rising demands for smaller size, higher resolution, precision, and stability in various applications. Its compact design, with a height of 104 mm and a diameter of 120 mm, allows it to fit into narrow spaces.

SOLANO is versatile, capable of functioning in both vertical and horizontal orientations.

A high performance control center

ALPHA Hexapod controller

Controlling a parallel kinematics mechanism like a hexapod necessitates rapid and extensive calculations to convert position instructions into motor current set points while ensuring motion security.

To achieve this, all Symetrie hexapods are equipped with a high-performance control rack that interfaces with their Graphical User Interface (GUI). Additionally, it can optionally interact directly with your software environment through an Application Programming Interface (API).

A Complete and Flexible Solution

Control racks are designed with:

  • A powerful multi-axis Delta Tau industrial controller
  • Drivers tailored to meet the specific requirements of each application
  • Input-output modules that enable diverse interactions with the hexapod environment

This robust and flexible control solutions can adapt to different types of motors (DC, brushless, stepper) and work with various encoder technologies (absolute, incremental, linear, rotary).

Additionally, all controllers are compatible with an optional hand-held control unit.

Choosing the right hexapod for you

Symetrie offers a free software, HexaSym, designed to simplify the process of checking the travel ranges and load capacities of each hexapod in their lineup. HexaSym enables you to select the most suitable product for your application and test various configurations. See the “software” tab for more information on HexaSym.

Click HERE to download HexaSym

Want to learn more about Hexapods? Visit our application page HERE. 

SOLANO Applications

  • Astronomy
  • Automotive
  • Energy
  • Optics
  • Research & Engineering
  • Space
  • Synchrotron

SOLANO Hexapod Datasheet

Help for hexapod control

Thanks to an ergonomic Human Machine Interface (HMI), SYM_Positioning hexapod positioning and control software not only offers simple commands from the home screen, but generations of movements using specific files. In addition, the center of rotation can be easily changed in the software.


■ Safe movement control
■ Position display in real time
■ Generate position sequences
■ The configuration of the center of rotation
■ Configure repositories (coordinate systems)
■ Configuration of limits (position, speed …)
■ API (Application Programming Interface)
■ To be interfaced in C, LabVIEW, EPICS, SPEC, TANGO, Python, Matlab …


The software can also be tailored to your specific needs.

HEXASYM Simulator

Simplify Hexapod Selection with HexaSym

With our free simulation software, HexaSym, you can effortlessly check the travel ranges and load capacities of each hexapod in our range. HexaSym allows you to select the most suitable product for your application and test a variety of possible configurations.

Test several parameters 

The HexaSym simulator allows you to test cumulative travel ranges across multiple axes simultaneously, including the “worst-case” scenarios of your applications. You can change the center of rotation, define different reference frames, vary the orientation of the hexapod (vertical, horizontal, or other), and adjust the payload.

HexaSym also features a 3D visualization to see how the hexapod moves according to the commanded positions, along with sliders that enable immediate control of movements.


Click here for more information and download the software

Max vertical payload (kg)

5-10 kg Max Payload

Vacuum compatible

Not Vacuum Compatible

Linear travel range (mm)

< ± 50 mm Linear Travel Range

Angular travel range (º)

± 10º to ± 20º mm Angular Travel Range

Hexapod Diameter

< 150 mm Diameter

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