Ocam2s Close up

OCAM²S | High-Speed EMCCD Camera

Characterize Time

Takes less than 30 minutes


With Low (LM) & High (HM) lenses


With Low (LM) & High (HM) lenses


Fluorescent-based imaging systems


Fluorescent-based imaging systems

Characterize Time

Takes less than 30 minutes

OCAM2S  is a high speed- low noise camera with an integrated electronic shutter, able to run at 2067 fps with sub- electron readout noise. The shutter delivers an arbitrary number of integration pulses that can be shorter than 1μs with a precision better than 50ns. To achieve this performance, it uses the E2V CCD 219 EMCCD, an 8 output split frame transfer CCD. The CCD219 high speed metal buttressed clock lines are driven by OCAM2S at a speed as high as 7 Mlines/s, transferring each frame in the store section in only 12 microseconds, to minimize smearing.

The Embedded Electronic Shutter in OCAM²S is able to deliver an arbitrary number of integration pulses that can be shorter than 1 µs with a precision better than 50ns.
OCAM²S also offers an extremely low latency : 43μs between exposure and first pixel availability.


OCAM2S  is a high-speed, low noise camera with an integrated electronic shutter, able to run at 2067 fps with sub- electron readout noise. The shutter delivers an arbitrary number of integration pulses that can be shorter than 1μs with a precision better than 50ns. To achieve this performance, it uses the E2V CCD 219 EMCCD, an 8 output split frame transfer CCD. The CCD219 high speed metal buttressed clock lines are driven by OCAM2S at a speed as high as 7 Mlines/s, transferring each frame in the store section in only 12 microseconds, to minimize smearing.

The Embedded Electronic Shutter in OCAM²S is able to deliver an arbitrary number of integration pulses that can be shorter than 1 µs with a precision better than 50ns.
OCAM²S also offers an extremely low latency : 43μs between exposure and first pixel availability.


Spectral Range

VIS (400 – 750 nm), NIR (750 – 1000 nm)


240 x 240


Physics, Astronomy


First Light Imaging

Sensor Technology


Pixel Pitch

24 µm x 24 µm

Frame Rate

> 1,000 fps

Readout Noise

0.3 – 1 e-


Camera Link

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