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Infrared Cameras & Solutions
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SWIR Cameras & Cores
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Goldeye Pro SWIR cameras | Better, faster
FXO Sony SenSWIR series | High-speed, High-Res TE-Cooled
Goldeye VSWIR series (Sony IMX990, IMX991)
Goldeye SWIR cameras (QVGA, VGA)
Alvium VSWIR series (Sony IMX990, IMX991, IMX992, IMX993)
Goldeye XSWIR cameras (Extended InGaAs 1.9 or 2.2µm)
C-RED 3 | Uncooled Fast InGaAs
C-RED 2 Lite | High Speed Compact Stabilized SWIR Camera
C-RED 2 | Cooled Scientific InGaAs
C-RED 2 ER 2.2 µm | Cooled Scientific Extended InGaAs
C-RED 2 ER 1.9 µm | Cooled Scientific Extended InGaAs
Alvium 1800 G1/G5-130/030 VSWIR
C-RED 1 | Sub-electron MCT
Alvium 1800 Sony SenSWIR cores – (U/C-130-030)
C-RED New Space | SWIR Camera Core
C-RED 3 CORE | Uncooled Fast InGaAs
SWIR Lenses
SWIR LED Illuminations
SWIR Laser Beam Profiling & M2
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CinCam InGaAs-HR | VSWIR laser beam profiler
CinSquare M² Tool VIS+SWIR | Beam Quality Measurement System 400 – 1700 nm
SWIR Hyperspectral Cameras
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Hinalea 4400-SWIR | Hyperspectral Camera 900 – 1700 nm
Hinalea 4455-XSWIR | Hyperspectral Camera 1300 – 2100 Nm
Hinalea 4300 | Hyperspectral Camera 500-1700 nm
SWIR Multispectral Cameras
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CICADA | High-Resolution SWIR Multispectral Camera
SWIR Digital Microscope
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HD-SWIR Digital Microscope
MWIR Cooled Cameras & Cores
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NOXCORE | Cooled MWIR & LWIR Camera Cores with Continuous Zoom
NOXCAM | Cooled MWIR & LWIR radiometric cameras
Mid Wave IRC800 series | LN2 cooled MWIR InSb & nBn Scientific Cameras
Mid Wave IRC900 series | Cryo-cooled MWIR Cameras
LWIR Thermal Cameras & Cores
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SeeCube Family | Low SWaP-C LWIR Thermal Cameras Cores
SXGA Uncooled Thermal Infrared Camera Module | Crius 1280
Crius 640 | VGA Thermal Camera Module
Dione 1280 Series | High-Resolution Uncooled LWIR Cameras & Cores
MicroCube640™ | Small Thermal Camera Module
Scientific & Industrial Cameras
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Scientific CMOS Cameras
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FL-20 | Cost-Effective CMOS
Moment | Global Shutter CMOS
Retiga E7, E9 & E20 | Long Exposure Cooled CMOS
Iris 9 & Iris 15 | High-Resolution sCMOS
ORCA-Flash4.0 LT3 & V3 | Gen II sCMOS
Dhyana 400BSI V3 | Low Cost sCMOS
Prime BSI & BSI Express | Back-Illuminated sCMOS
ORCA-Fusion & Fusion BT | Gen III sCMOS
Prime 95B | High-Sensitivity sCMOS
Kinetix & Kinetix 22 | High-Speed Low-Light sCMOS
C-BLUE One | High-Speed Global Shutter sCMOS
ORCA-Fire | High-Speed Low-Light sCMOS
ORCA-Quest 2 | Photon-Counting qCMOS Camera
High-Speed Scientific Cameras
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HiCAM Fluo | High-Speed Global-Shutter ICMOS
SPAD512 | Gated Photon-Counting SPAD
C-BLUE One | High-Speed Global Shutter sCMOS
C-BLUE One UV | High-Speed Global Shutter sCMOS
Kinetix & Kinetix 22 | High-Speed Low-Light sCMOS
ORCA-Fire | High-Speed Low-Light qCMOS
ORCA-Quest | Photon Number Resolving qCMOS
TRiCAM | Time-Resolved ICMOS
Photon Counting Cameras
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SPAD512 | Gated Photon-Counting SPAD
SPADλ | Photon-Counting Linear SPAD Array
ORCA-Quest | Photon Resolving qCMOS
OCAM²K & OCAM²S | High-Speed EMCCD
OCAM²K & OCAM²S | High-Speed EMCCD
SPAD Cameras & Arrays
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SPAD512 | Gated Photon-Counting SPAD
SPADλ | Photon-Counting Linear SPAD Array
SPAD23 | Photon-Counting SPAD Array
Intensified Imaging and UV Lenses
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HiCAM Fluo | High-Speed Global-Shutter ICMOS
TRiCAM | Time-Resolved ICMOS
HICATT | Ultra High Speed Intensifier
TRICATT | Lens Coupled Image Intensifier
UV Cameras
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Alvium 812 UV Camera | Sony IMX487
C-BLUE One UV | Global Shutter sCMOS Camera
ELSE-s | Deep Cooling CCD Camera for UV, VIS & NIR Spectroscopy
ELSE-i | Deep Cooling CCD Camera for UV, VIS & NIR Imaging
TRiCAM | Time-Resolved Intensified CMOS Camera
TRiCATT | Lens Coupled Image Intensifier
Prime BSI & Prime BSI Express | Large Field of View sCMOS Cameras
Prime 95B Series | Low Noise sCMOS Camera
Dhyana 400BSI V3 | Low Cost sCMOS Camera
Kinetix & Kinetix 22 | High-Speed sCMOS Cameras
Deep Cooled & In-Vacuum CCD Cameras
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ELSE-s | Deep-Cooled CCD for Spectroscopy (UV, VIS & NIR)
ELSE-i | Deep-Cooled CCD for Imaging (UV, VIS & NIR)
ALEX-s | Deep-Cooled CCD for Spectroscopy (X-Ray, EUV & VUV)
ALEX-i | Deep-Cooled CCD for Imaging (X-Ray, EUV & VUV)
LOTTE-s | Deep-Cooled In-Vacuum CCD for Spectroscopy (X-Ray, EUV & VUV)
LOTTE-i | Deep-Cooled In-Vacuum CCD for Imaging (X-Ray, EUV & VUV)
Multispectral & Hyperspectral Cameras
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CMS & CMS4 | Multispectral CMOS (VIS)
TOUCAN | Multispectral CMOS (VIS + NIR)
4250 | Hyperspectral CMOS (VIS + NIR)
4200C | Hyperspectral CMOS (VS + NIR)
4300 | VIS-SWIR Hyperspectral
4400 | SWIR Hyperspectral
4455 | XSWIR Hyperspectral
CICADA | SWIR Multispectral
ANT | SWIR Multispectral
Industrial Cameras
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SHR | High-Resolution Industrial Cameras
Alvium G5-812 UV
Cyclone | High-Speed Global-Shutter CMOS
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Positioning Hexapods
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SOLANO | High-Precision Miniature Hexapod
MAUKA | Small Diameter Precision Hexapod
BORA | Compact High-Precision Hexpod
PUNA | Low-Cost Precision Hexapod
BREVA | Medium Size Hexapod
ZONDA | Best-in-Class Hexapod
SIRIUS | Large Travel Precision Hexapod
KUBAN | High Payload Hexapod
JORAN | Large High Payload Hexapod
SURES | Astronomy Hexapod
Motion Hexapods
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HEGOA | Table Top Hexapod
NOTUS | Compact Dynamic Hexapod
MISTRAL | Large Payload Hexapod
Laser Beam Diagnostics
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Laser Beam Profilers (UV,VIS,NIR)
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BeamPro | Small Pixel Laser Beam Profiler
BeamPro | Large Area Laser Beam Profiler
BeamPro | Compact Footprint Laser Beam Profiler
Cinogy CinCam CMOS | Laser Beam Profilers
CinCam InGaAs Beam Profilers
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CinCam InGaAs
Autocorrelators & FROG (Ultrafast Lasers)
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ROC | Single-Shot and Multi-Shot Autocorrelators
µROC | Single-Shot Autocorrelator
FROG Systems | Single-Shot and Multi-Shot
Laser Beam Quality / M2 Measurement
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CAM SQUARED | Instantaneous M Squared Measurement
CinSquare M² | UV-Vis-NIR Beam Quality Measurement System
CinSquare M² Tool VIS+SWIR | Beam Quality Measurement System 400 – 1700 nm
Focus Beam Profiler | for Laser Additive Manufacturing
RayCi Software
MISS Laser Beam 2D Imaging Spectrometer
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Mid-Infrared Spectrometers and Detectors
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Spectrometer 2.0 – 5.0 μm
Single-Wavelength Detectors
Wavelength Conversion Module
Thermal Infrared Light Source
Handheld Visible, NIR & Raman Spectrometers
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IndiGo VIS | Handheld Spectrometer
IndiGo Fluo | Portable Spectrometer
GoSpectro | Smartphone Spectrometer
IndiGo NIR | Handheld Spectrometer
IndiGo VIS-NIR | Handheld Spectrometer
IndiGo | Handheld Raman Spectrometer
MISS | Laser Beam 2D Imaging Spectrometer
Laser Sources
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Supercontinuum Lasers
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SAMBA | Low-Cost Supercontinuum Laser
ROCK | High Power Supercontinuum Laser
ELECTRO VIS | White Light Supercontinuum Laser
ELECTRO MIR | Mid-IR Supercontinuum Laser
ELECTRO IR | NIR Supercontinuum Laser
OPERA | CARS Laser Source
Tunable Filters and Modules for Supercontinuum Lasers
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BEBOP | Linear Tunable Filter
TANGO | Acousto-Optic Tunable Filter
SALSA | Mid-IR Tunable Filter
POP | Bandpass Filter And Fiber Coupling Module
Ultrafast Femtosecond Lasers
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Chromacity 1040 | High-Power Femtosecond Laser
Chromacity 1280 | Femtosecond Fiber Laser
Chromacity 520 | High-Power Green Ultrashort Pulse Laser
Ultrafast OPOs
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Chromacity Auskerry | Infrared Picosecond Tunable Laser
CW Laser Modules
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Lambda Beam | Compact High-Performance CW Laser
Lambda Mini | Miniaturized Laser Module
Wavefront Metrology & Adaptive Optics
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Turnkey Multi-Wavelength Metrology Systems
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MESO | Plane Parallel Optics Metrology System
R-FLEX2 | Wavefront Metrology System
R-FLEX LA | Large Aperture Wavefront Metrology System
OEC | Optical Engineer Companion
Wavefront Sensors
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HASO LIFT | Ultra-High Resolution
HASO SWIR FAST | High Speed SWIR Wavefront Sensor
HASO SWIR | 900-1700 nm
HASO LP | Large Pupil Wavefront Sensor
HASO4 126 | Large Aperture
HASO4 First | Low-Cost
HASO4 BB | 350-1100 nm
HASO4 FAST | High-Speed
HASO EUV | 4-40 nm
HASO Multispectral
WaveView Software
Wavekit SDK
Deformable Mirrors
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Zwobbel | Focusing deformable mirror at 532nm or 1020nm
ALPAO DM | High speed deformable mirrors
Mirao 52e
muDM | Compact deformable mirror
Delta 7 | Deformable Phase Plate
Adaptive Optics Solutions
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CIAO | Adaptive Optics Platform for SATCOM and Astronomy
AOKit Bio
Metrology Light Sources
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MS-LAMBDA | Metrology Light Source
Advanced Light Microscopy
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Laser-Scanning Confocal Microscopy
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RCM1 | Rescan Confocal
RCM2 | Rescan Confocal
RCM2.5 | Rescan Confocal
NL5 | High Speed Line-Scanning
GAIA | Confocal Super-Resolution
Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy
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LIFA vTau | SPAD Powered FLIM
SPAD512 | Photon-Counting Gated SPAD Camera
SPAD Arrays
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SPAD23 | Photon-Counting SPAD Array
Quantitative Phase Imaging
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MAKATEA | Quantitative Phase Imaging Camera
Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy
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MicAO | 3DSR Adaptive Optics
Multiphoton Microscopy
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Chromacity 1040 | High-Power Femtosecond Laser
AOKit Bio | Adaptive Optics
Optical Tweezers
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AOKit Bio Adaptive Optics
Calibration Slides & Devices
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Argo-LM / HM / SIM
Technical Resources
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Application Notes
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Adaptive Optics
Confocal Microscopy
Laser Additive Manufacturing
Laser Beam Profiling
Laser Beam Shaping
Positioning & Motion Hexapods
SWIR Imaging
Supercontinuum Lasers
Ultrafast Laser Measurement
Wavefront Sensing
Technical Blogs
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Infrared Cameras & Solutions (13)
Scientific & Industrial Cameras (10)
Hexapods (1)
Laser Beam Characterization (5)
Laser Sources (2)
Spectroscopy (7)
Optical Metrology (7)
Adaptive Optics (1)
Advanced Light Microscopy (3)
Goldeye Portal
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Infrared Cameras & Solutions
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SWIR Cameras & Cores
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Goldeye Pro SWIR cameras | Better, faster
FXO Sony SenSWIR series | High-speed, High-Res TE-Cooled
Goldeye VSWIR series (Sony IMX990, IMX991)
Goldeye SWIR cameras (QVGA, VGA)
Alvium VSWIR series (Sony IMX990, IMX991, IMX992, IMX993)
Goldeye XSWIR cameras (Extended InGaAs 1.9 or 2.2µm)
C-RED 3 | Uncooled Fast InGaAs
C-RED 2 Lite | High Speed Compact Stabilized SWIR Camera
C-RED 2 | Cooled Scientific InGaAs
C-RED 2 ER 2.2 µm | Cooled Scientific Extended InGaAs
C-RED 2 ER 1.9 µm | Cooled Scientific Extended InGaAs
Alvium 1800 G1/G5-130/030 VSWIR
C-RED 1 | Sub-electron MCT
Alvium 1800 Sony SenSWIR cores – (U/C-130-030)
C-RED New Space | SWIR Camera Core
C-RED 3 CORE | Uncooled Fast InGaAs
SWIR Lenses
SWIR LED Illuminations
SWIR Laser Beam Profiling & M2
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CinCam InGaAs-HR | VSWIR laser beam profiler
CinSquare M² Tool VIS+SWIR | Beam Quality Measurement System 400 – 1700 nm
SWIR Hyperspectral Cameras
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Hinalea 4400-SWIR | Hyperspectral Camera 900 – 1700 nm
Hinalea 4455-XSWIR | Hyperspectral Camera 1300 – 2100 Nm
Hinalea 4300 | Hyperspectral Camera 500-1700 nm
SWIR Multispectral Cameras
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CICADA | High-Resolution SWIR Multispectral Camera
SWIR Digital Microscope
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HD-SWIR Digital Microscope
MWIR Cooled Cameras & Cores
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NOXCORE | Cooled MWIR & LWIR Camera Cores with Continuous Zoom
NOXCAM | Cooled MWIR & LWIR radiometric cameras
Mid Wave IRC800 series | LN2 cooled MWIR InSb & nBn Scientific Cameras
Mid Wave IRC900 series | Cryo-cooled MWIR Cameras
LWIR Thermal Cameras & Cores
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SeeCube Family | Low SWaP-C LWIR Thermal Cameras Cores
SXGA Uncooled Thermal Infrared Camera Module | Crius 1280
Crius 640 | VGA Thermal Camera Module
Dione 1280 Series | High-Resolution Uncooled LWIR Cameras & Cores
MicroCube640™ | Small Thermal Camera Module
Scientific & Industrial Cameras
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Scientific CMOS Cameras
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FL-20 | Cost-Effective CMOS
Moment | Global Shutter CMOS
Retiga E7, E9 & E20 | Long Exposure Cooled CMOS
Iris 9 & Iris 15 | High-Resolution sCMOS
ORCA-Flash4.0 LT3 & V3 | Gen II sCMOS
Dhyana 400BSI V3 | Low Cost sCMOS
Prime BSI & BSI Express | Back-Illuminated sCMOS
ORCA-Fusion & Fusion BT | Gen III sCMOS
Prime 95B | High-Sensitivity sCMOS
Kinetix & Kinetix 22 | High-Speed Low-Light sCMOS
C-BLUE One | High-Speed Global Shutter sCMOS
ORCA-Fire | High-Speed Low-Light sCMOS
ORCA-Quest 2 | Photon-Counting qCMOS Camera
High-Speed Scientific Cameras
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HiCAM Fluo | High-Speed Global-Shutter ICMOS
SPAD512 | Gated Photon-Counting SPAD
C-BLUE One | High-Speed Global Shutter sCMOS
C-BLUE One UV | High-Speed Global Shutter sCMOS
Kinetix & Kinetix 22 | High-Speed Low-Light sCMOS
ORCA-Fire | High-Speed Low-Light qCMOS
ORCA-Quest | Photon Number Resolving qCMOS
TRiCAM | Time-Resolved ICMOS
Photon Counting Cameras
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SPAD512 | Gated Photon-Counting SPAD
SPADλ | Photon-Counting Linear SPAD Array
ORCA-Quest | Photon Resolving qCMOS
OCAM²K & OCAM²S | High-Speed EMCCD
OCAM²K & OCAM²S | High-Speed EMCCD
SPAD Cameras & Arrays
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SPAD512 | Gated Photon-Counting SPAD
SPADλ | Photon-Counting Linear SPAD Array
SPAD23 | Photon-Counting SPAD Array
Intensified Imaging and UV Lenses
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HiCAM Fluo | High-Speed Global-Shutter ICMOS
TRiCAM | Time-Resolved ICMOS
HICATT | Ultra High Speed Intensifier
TRICATT | Lens Coupled Image Intensifier
UV Cameras
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Alvium 812 UV Camera | Sony IMX487
C-BLUE One UV | Global Shutter sCMOS Camera
ELSE-s | Deep Cooling CCD Camera for UV, VIS & NIR Spectroscopy
ELSE-i | Deep Cooling CCD Camera for UV, VIS & NIR Imaging
TRiCAM | Time-Resolved Intensified CMOS Camera
TRiCATT | Lens Coupled Image Intensifier
Prime BSI & Prime BSI Express | Large Field of View sCMOS Cameras
Prime 95B Series | Low Noise sCMOS Camera
Dhyana 400BSI V3 | Low Cost sCMOS Camera
Kinetix & Kinetix 22 | High-Speed sCMOS Cameras
Deep Cooled & In-Vacuum CCD Cameras
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ELSE-s | Deep-Cooled CCD for Spectroscopy (UV, VIS & NIR)
ELSE-i | Deep-Cooled CCD for Imaging (UV, VIS & NIR)
ALEX-s | Deep-Cooled CCD for Spectroscopy (X-Ray, EUV & VUV)
ALEX-i | Deep-Cooled CCD for Imaging (X-Ray, EUV & VUV)
LOTTE-s | Deep-Cooled In-Vacuum CCD for Spectroscopy (X-Ray, EUV & VUV)
LOTTE-i | Deep-Cooled In-Vacuum CCD for Imaging (X-Ray, EUV & VUV)
Multispectral & Hyperspectral Cameras
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CMS & CMS4 | Multispectral CMOS (VIS)
TOUCAN | Multispectral CMOS (VIS + NIR)
4250 | Hyperspectral CMOS (VIS + NIR)
4200C | Hyperspectral CMOS (VS + NIR)
4300 | VIS-SWIR Hyperspectral
4400 | SWIR Hyperspectral
4455 | XSWIR Hyperspectral
CICADA | SWIR Multispectral
ANT | SWIR Multispectral
Industrial Cameras
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SHR | High-Resolution Industrial Cameras
Alvium G5-812 UV
Cyclone | High-Speed Global-Shutter CMOS
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Positioning Hexapods
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SOLANO | High-Precision Miniature Hexapod
MAUKA | Small Diameter Precision Hexapod
BORA | Compact High-Precision Hexpod
PUNA | Low-Cost Precision Hexapod
BREVA | Medium Size Hexapod
ZONDA | Best-in-Class Hexapod
SIRIUS | Large Travel Precision Hexapod
KUBAN | High Payload Hexapod
JORAN | Large High Payload Hexapod
SURES | Astronomy Hexapod
Motion Hexapods
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HEGOA | Table Top Hexapod
NOTUS | Compact Dynamic Hexapod
MISTRAL | Large Payload Hexapod
Laser Beam Diagnostics
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Laser Beam Profilers (UV,VIS,NIR)
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BeamPro | Small Pixel Laser Beam Profiler
BeamPro | Large Area Laser Beam Profiler
BeamPro | Compact Footprint Laser Beam Profiler
Cinogy CinCam CMOS | Laser Beam Profilers
CinCam InGaAs Beam Profilers
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CinCam InGaAs
Autocorrelators & FROG (Ultrafast Lasers)
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ROC | Single-Shot and Multi-Shot Autocorrelators
µROC | Single-Shot Autocorrelator
FROG Systems | Single-Shot and Multi-Shot
Laser Beam Quality / M2 Measurement
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CAM SQUARED | Instantaneous M Squared Measurement
CinSquare M² | UV-Vis-NIR Beam Quality Measurement System
CinSquare M² Tool VIS+SWIR | Beam Quality Measurement System 400 – 1700 nm
Focus Beam Profiler | for Laser Additive Manufacturing
RayCi Software
MISS Laser Beam 2D Imaging Spectrometer
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Mid-Infrared Spectrometers and Detectors
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Spectrometer 2.0 – 5.0 μm
Single-Wavelength Detectors
Wavelength Conversion Module
Thermal Infrared Light Source
Handheld Visible, NIR & Raman Spectrometers
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IndiGo VIS | Handheld Spectrometer
IndiGo Fluo | Portable Spectrometer
GoSpectro | Smartphone Spectrometer
IndiGo NIR | Handheld Spectrometer
IndiGo VIS-NIR | Handheld Spectrometer
IndiGo | Handheld Raman Spectrometer
MISS | Laser Beam 2D Imaging Spectrometer
Laser Sources
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Supercontinuum Lasers
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SAMBA | Low-Cost Supercontinuum Laser
ROCK | High Power Supercontinuum Laser
ELECTRO VIS | White Light Supercontinuum Laser
ELECTRO MIR | Mid-IR Supercontinuum Laser
ELECTRO IR | NIR Supercontinuum Laser
OPERA | CARS Laser Source
Tunable Filters and Modules for Supercontinuum Lasers
Menu Toggle
BEBOP | Linear Tunable Filter
TANGO | Acousto-Optic Tunable Filter
SALSA | Mid-IR Tunable Filter
POP | Bandpass Filter And Fiber Coupling Module
Ultrafast Femtosecond Lasers
Menu Toggle
Chromacity 1040 | High-Power Femtosecond Laser
Chromacity 1280 | Femtosecond Fiber Laser
Chromacity 520 | High-Power Green Ultrashort Pulse Laser
Ultrafast OPOs
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Chromacity Auskerry | Infrared Picosecond Tunable Laser
CW Laser Modules
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Lambda Beam | Compact High-Performance CW Laser
Lambda Mini | Miniaturized Laser Module
Wavefront Metrology & Adaptive Optics
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Menu Toggle
Turnkey Multi-Wavelength Metrology Systems
Menu Toggle
MESO | Plane Parallel Optics Metrology System
R-FLEX2 | Wavefront Metrology System
R-FLEX LA | Large Aperture Wavefront Metrology System
OEC | Optical Engineer Companion
Wavefront Sensors
Menu Toggle
HASO LIFT | Ultra-High Resolution
HASO SWIR FAST | High Speed SWIR Wavefront Sensor
HASO SWIR | 900-1700 nm
HASO LP | Large Pupil Wavefront Sensor
HASO4 126 | Large Aperture
HASO4 First | Low-Cost
HASO4 BB | 350-1100 nm
HASO4 FAST | High-Speed
HASO EUV | 4-40 nm
HASO Multispectral
WaveView Software
Wavekit SDK
Deformable Mirrors
Menu Toggle
Zwobbel | Focusing deformable mirror at 532nm or 1020nm
ALPAO DM | High speed deformable mirrors
Mirao 52e
muDM | Compact deformable mirror
Delta 7 | Deformable Phase Plate
Adaptive Optics Solutions
Menu Toggle
CIAO | Adaptive Optics Platform for SATCOM and Astronomy
AOKit Bio
Metrology Light Sources
Menu Toggle
MS-LAMBDA | Metrology Light Source
Advanced Light Microscopy
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Menu Toggle
Laser-Scanning Confocal Microscopy
Menu Toggle
RCM1 | Rescan Confocal
RCM2 | Rescan Confocal
RCM2.5 | Rescan Confocal
NL5 | High Speed Line-Scanning
GAIA | Confocal Super-Resolution
Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy
Menu Toggle
LIFA vTau | SPAD Powered FLIM
SPAD512 | Photon-Counting Gated SPAD Camera
SPAD Arrays
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SPAD23 | Photon-Counting SPAD Array
Quantitative Phase Imaging
Menu Toggle
MAKATEA | Quantitative Phase Imaging Camera
Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy
Menu Toggle
MicAO | 3DSR Adaptive Optics
Multiphoton Microscopy
Menu Toggle
Chromacity 1040 | High-Power Femtosecond Laser
AOKit Bio | Adaptive Optics
Optical Tweezers
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AOKit Bio Adaptive Optics
Calibration Slides & Devices
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Argo-LM / HM / SIM
Technical Resources
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Application Notes
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Adaptive Optics
Confocal Microscopy
Laser Additive Manufacturing
Laser Beam Profiling
Laser Beam Shaping
Positioning & Motion Hexapods
SWIR Imaging
Supercontinuum Lasers
Ultrafast Laser Measurement
Wavefront Sensing
Technical Blogs
Menu Toggle
Infrared Cameras & Solutions (13)
Scientific & Industrial Cameras (10)
Hexapods (1)
Laser Beam Characterization (5)
Laser Sources (2)
Spectroscopy (7)
Optical Metrology (7)
Adaptive Optics (1)
Advanced Light Microscopy (3)
Goldeye Portal
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Long-Exposure Cameras
SPAD Cameras & Arrays (3)
UV Cameras (10)
Scientific CMOS Cameras (14)
High-Speed Scientific Cameras (8)
Long-Exposure Cameras (1)
Photon Counting Cameras (6)
Intensified Imaging and UV Lenses (6)
Deep Cooled & In-Vacuum CCD Cameras (7)
Multispectral & Hyperspectral Cameras (8)
Industrial Cameras (3)
Spectral Range
VIS (400 - 750 nm)
3200 x 2200 (7.0 MP)
Life Science
Sensor Technology
Pixel Pitch
4.5 µm x 4.5 µm
Frame Rate
< 10 fps
10 - 100 fps
Readout Noise
2 - 10 e-
Scientific & Industrial Cameras
/ Long-Exposure Cameras
Long-Exposure Cameras
VIS (400 - 750 nm)
3200 x 2200 (7.0 MP)
Life Science, Astronomy
4.5 µm x 4.5 µm
< 10 fps, 10 - 100 fps
2 - 10 e-
Retiga E7 | Long-Exposure CMOS Camera
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