Chromacity 1040 ultrafast femtosecond laser
Chromacity 1040 ultrafast femtosecond laser
2PEF and SHG image of mouse intestine section stained with Alexa Fluor 568
Confetti liver cells stained with red, yellow and green fluorescent proteins (RFP, YFP and GFP)
Two-photon fluorescence observed in the nuclei of mouse intestine cells, which have been stained with SYTOX Green nucleic acid stain copy
mtmg Kidney chromacity laser 500mw single 1 (2)_1

Chromacity 1040 | High-Power Femtosecond Laser

Central Wavelength

1040 nm

Pulse Width

<100 fs

Rep. Rate

100 MHz

Average Power

From 500 mW to 4 W

Pulse Energy

>40nJ (@ 100MHz, 100fs, 4W)

Beam Diameter

1.2 mm, +/- 0.2mm

Chromacity 1040: A High-Power Femtosecond Laser for Multiphoton Laser Applications

The Chromacity 1040 high-power femtosecond laser is an air-cooled, compact, ultrafast ytterbium fiber-based laser providing exceptional performance with turnkey operation. With high average power, outstanding pulse quality and power stability, the 1040 is an ideal laser source for imaging, spectroscopy, and quantum applications.

The 1040 laser is ultra-stable across temperature and time, offering pulse-to-pulse stability over extended periods of operation. The laser is designed to be installed remotely and does not require special expertise to operate.

The Chromacity 1040 laser comes with a laser head and a separate external power supply unit (PSU) providing flexible placement options. It is controlled using an intuitive web browser user interface, or via an RS-232 serial port, providing easy integration into OEM equipment, or remote operation on the bench in a typical laboratory environment.

Example of SHG microscopy images of collagen using the Chromacity 1040 ultrafast laser. Images of (A) and (B) are images of the same sample collected in the forward and backward directions respectively. Image (C) is a composite showing the detail of the fibers. To acquire these images 300mW of laser light was incident on the galvo-scanning mirrors. Image (D) is a second harmonic generation image observed in a sample of starch molecules. The field of view for this image is 100 x 100μm.

A Simple, Robust, and Affordable Femtosecond Laser

The Chromacity 1040 is the next generation in femtosecond laser systems, which no longer need hours to set up. The light emitted from the Chromacity 1040 originates from a single mode fiber, ensuring superior beam quality. This laser source does not require water cooling and comes with a simple user interface, making it one of the easiest laser sources to operate. It integrates seamlessly into experimental setups, such as microscopy, and because the intracavity beam is confined within a robust fiber, the system is inherently less prone to misalignment when compared against free-space cavities.

Minimal Set-up, Turn-key Operation

Optical alignment is an onerous step, and often the first point of failure during installation of Ti:sapphire systems. In the Chromacity 1040, complexity has been replaced with simplicity: with minimal set-up required, it is operationally ready straight out of the box. This means less time troubleshooting legacy systems and more time driving scientific advances which make a positive impact.

Chromacity 1040 vs. Ti:sapphire lasers

How does Chromacity 1040 compare with Ti:sapphire lasers? The unique design of Chromacity 1040 is based on a patented efficient laser architecture which provides performance characteristics that surpass Ti:sapphire lasers. This results in a robust, reliable, and cost-effective laser source. The efficiency of the lasing process within a novel fiber-based architecture, allows the Chromacity 1040 to deliver more power (up to 4 W). These systems can also be set up to operate across a wide range of pulse repetition frequencies (factory set between 50 MHz – 200 MHz), unlike Ti:sapphire based systems. The Chromacity 1040 highly efficient laser architecture does not generate high thermal loads, thus avoiding the need for water-cooling, and occupies less space on the optical bench than a Ti:sapphire system – this ensures your environmental goals remain on track.

Chromacity 1040 vs. Ti:sapphire lasers


Chromacity 1040: A High-Power Femtosecond Laser for Multiphoton Laser Applications

The Chromacity 1040 high-power femtosecond laser is an air-cooled, compact, ultrafast ytterbium fiber-based laser providing exceptional performance with turnkey operation. With high average power, outstanding pulse quality and power stability, the 1040 is an ideal laser source for imaging, spectroscopy, and quantum applications.

The 1040 laser is ultra-stable across temperature and time, offering repeatable pulse power, pulse-to- pulse and over extended periods of operation. The laser is designed to be installed remotely and does not require specialist expertise to operate.

The Chromacity 1040 laser comes with a laser head and a separate external power supply unit (PSU) providing flexible placement options. The Chromacity 1040 is controlled using an intuitive web browser user interface, or via an RS-232 serial port, providing easy integration into OEM equipment, or remote operation on the bench in a typical laboratory environment.

Example of SHG microscopy images of collagen using the Chromacity 1040 ultrafast laser. Images of (A) and (B) are images of the same sample collected in the forward and backward directions respectively. Image (C) is a composite showing the detail of the fibers. To acquire these images 300mW of laser light was incident on the galvo-scanning mirrors. Image (D) is a second harmonic generation image observed in a sample of starch molecules. The field of view for this image is 100 x 100μm.
Example of SHG microscopy images of collagen using the Chromacity 1040 ultrafast laser. Images of (A) and (B) are images of the same sample collected in the forward and backward directions respectively. Image (C) is a composite showing the detail of the fibers. To acquire these images 300mW of laser light was incident on the galvo-scanning mirrors. Image (D) is a second harmonic generation image observed in a sample of starch molecules. The field of view for this image is 100 x 100μm.

A Simple, Robust, and Affordable Femtosecond Laser

The Chromacity 1040 is the next generation in femtosecond laser systems, which no longer need hours to set up. The light emitted from originates from a single mode fiber, ensuring superior beam quality. This laser source does not require water cooling and comes with a simple user interface, making it one of the easiest laser sources to operate. This laser integrates seamlessly into experimental setups, such as microscopy, and because the intracavity beam is confined within a robust fiber, the system is inherently less prone to misalignment when compared against free-space cavities.

Minimal Set-up, Turn-key Operation

Optical alignment is an onerous step, and often the first point of failure during installation of Ti:sapphire systems. In the Chromacity 1040, complexity has been replaced with simplicity: with minimal set-up required, it is operationally ready straight out of the box. This means less time troubleshooting legacy systems and more time driving scientific advances which make a positive impact.

Chromacity 1040 vs. Ti:sapphire lasers

How does Chromacity 1040 compare with Ti:sapphire lasers? The unique design of Chromacity 1040 is based on a patented efficient laser architecture which provide performance characteristics that surpass the Ti:sapphire. This results in a robust, reliable, and cost-effective laser source. The efficiency of the lasing process within a novel fiber-based architecture, allows the Chromacity 1040 to deliver more power (up to 4 W). These systems can also be set up to operate across a wide range of pulse repetition frequencies (factory set between 50 MHz – 200 MHz), unlike Ti:sapphire based systems. The Chromacity 1040 highly efficient laser architecture does not generate high thermal loads, thus avoiding the need for water-cooling, and occupies less space on the optical bench than a Ti:sapphire system – this ensures your environmental goals remain on track.

Chromacity 1040 vs Ti:Sapphire Chart

Applications of Chromacity 1040

• Multi-photon imaging
• SHG microscopy
• Light sheet microscopy
• THz generation
• Non-linear optics
• Super-continuum generation


Central Wavelength: 1040nm


Pulse Width: <100fs


Repetition Rate: 100MHz


Average Power: Up to 4W


Pulse Energy: >40mJ (@100MHz, 100fs, 4W)


Beam Diameter: 1.2mm

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