Axiom Optics is excited to announce a new partnership with Goyalab, a French company that designs and develops measurement tools for compact spectroscopy applications.
Goyalab offers easy to use, compact, and affordable modular spectrometers that have a wide range of uses such as chemical analysis involving absorption, fluorescence, and reflection; gemology & jewelry; lighting & filter characterization and identification; traceability & authentication; education & research, and many more.
Axiom Optics currently distributes the four Goyalab spectrometers below. These devices, as well as their modules and other accessories, are available now on our online store!
Take spectral measurements on-the-go with the IndiGo. The IndiGo is a compact, handheld modular spectrometer that fits in the palm of your hand. It allows measurement of emission, absorption or transmission spectra from 380 nm to 780 nm with a standard resolution of 1.5 nm (FWHM).
Because it is modular, the IndiGo has many compatible modules that can turn it into an absorption and fluorescence spectrometer, a reflection spectrometer, or a chemical analyzer. A high spectral sensitivity (HSS) model is also available.

IndiGo OEM
The OEM model has the same capabilities as the IndiGo, but is a benchtop spectrometer.
The IndiGo OEM is also available as a high spectral sensitivity model (HSS)

IndiGo NIR
The IndiGo is also available as a near infrared spectrometer with a wavelength range of 720 nm to 1050 nm.

The GoSpectro is a revolutionary award-winning device that turns any smartphone or tablet into an ultra-compact and powerful handheld spectrometer. GoSpectro is sensitive over the entire visible range (400 nm – 750 nm) with a spectral resolution of less than 10 nm and a reproducibility of 1 nm.