Femto Easy FROG systems are designed to provide the most accurate and reliable measurements regardless of the experimental conditions. They always yield robust measurements without caring about the accuracy of the alignment, which is in part attributed to the use of a high-quality customizable Mini Imaging Spatial Spectrometer (MISS).
Both Single-Shot and Multi-Shot FROG systems from Femto Easy feature the use of the MISS spectrometer, making these instruments very easy to use and versatile while leading to accurate results. Using a high-quality spectrometer, where the size and position of the entrance slit are fixed, results in robust measurements that do not depend on experimental conditions or alignment. All MISS spectrometers are fully calibrated using a spectral lamp with multiple atomic lines known to an extreme precision across the entire spectral range. The spectrometers are designed and manufactured by Femto Easy, avoiding relying on third parties. The MISS spectrometers are custom designed and built for each FROG instrument to meet the required wavelength range and resolution, reaching resolutions as low as <0.07 nm when required.
A key feature of the Femto Easy FROG system design is the ability of hot swapping the MISS spectrometer to increase the wavelength range of a single FROG system. Swapping spectrometers is a simple and quick process that can be done by the end user:
Step 1: Unscrew the locking mechanism to easily open and remove the cover of your FROG system.

Step 2: Unscrew almost completely the MISS spectrometer clamp. Lift and shift the clamp to release the post of the MISS.

Step 3: Now you can simply remove the MISS spectrometer by pulling it up.

Step 4: Pay attention to the location of the two pin positioners and the USB-C connector for the correct connection of the MISS into the FROG.

Step 5: Simply Install the new MISS spectrometer aligning the slots with the pins and the USB-C connector.

Step 6: Slide back the clamp all the way into the post. Tighten the clamp screw.

Step 7: Replace the FROG cover and screw the locking mechanism.

It is that simple, the FROG system should work right away with a new MISS spectrometer!
For more information about the Femto Easy FROG systems, visit our product page and get in touch with us @ [email protected].