A double-side optical metrology procedure for full thin plane parallel optics, such as glass wafers

Parallel optics can be challenging to characterize with classical fizeau interferometers. As a matter of fact, when both rear and front surfaces are parallel, multiple competitive interferograms can be observed, making a final interpretation impossible. 

The POP procedure: the patented solution for thin plane parallel optics characterization

POP procedure: 2 steps – 3 wavefronts

The POP procedure consists of a calibration and two steps (Figure 1.). The MESO instrument is set-up vertically for easy sample mounting and adjustment. This setup is typically used for glass wafer characterization.

Calibration: A reference flat mirror is positioned in front of MESO. The software guides the user to finely align it. The measurement is automatically saved and the calibration is done. 

Step 1: This step is dedicated to the reflection measurement. It consists of aligning the sample: the reference mirror is covered with a black cap so the instrument only sees reflection from the sample, the sample is installed and the software helps the user to finely adjust its angle. The reflection measurement is done.

Step 2: This step is dedicated to the transmission measurement. The only thing to do here is remove the cap in front of the reference mirror. The transmission measurement is done.

Then, the software processes the data and delivers three wavefronts: the front surface, the rear surface and the transmitted wavefront. (Figure 2.)

Protocol in 3 steps to measure both surfaces of parallel optics such as glass wafers. First is calibration, then a measurement in reflection and then in transmission
Figure 1: Protocol in 3 steps to measure both surfaces of parallel optics such as a glass wafer with MESO from Imagine Optic

From only two measurements (reflection and transmission), MESO provides three error maps (TWE and RWE of both surfaces of the sample):

The input are the measurement in reflection and in transmission and the output is the front surface shape, the rear surface shape and the transmitted wavefront error
Figure 2: Inputs and outputs of the POP patented algorithm implemented on MESO from Imagine Optic

POP revolution: 4 key features

The POP method offers the following advantages:

Versatility in wavelength: The POP method does not rely on absorbing the illumination beam to eliminate rear surface reflection (e.g., by working in the ultraviolet). Thus, characterization can be performed at any wavelength of interest, including the sample’s operating wavelength. MESO is available with up to 4 embedded sources. 

– Low reflection coefficient compatibility: It allows for the characterization of samples with a reflection coefficient as low as 1%.

In the following, we will follow the POP procedure to characterize a 6” glass wafer.

Characterization of a 6-inch glass wafer

Glass wafer characterization – setup

The glass wafer has the following characteristics:

glass wafers six inch diameter for plane parallel optics measurements
Figure 3: Glass wafer
  • Reference sample: WA1121 Corning
  • Diameter : 6-inch
  • Thickness: 1.1mm
  • Material: Glass Uncoated
  • Coefficient reflection surface: 0.04 
MESO vertical setup for plane parallel optics measurements
Figure 4: MESO vertical setup in the lab for plane parallel optics

Glass wafer characterization – results

Front surface

The front surface flatness measured at 632 nm is 4.11 RMS waves, including -6 waves of curvature (in red on Fig. 5 – left). This means the entrance face of the wafer is slightly concave from the instrument’s point of view. 

reflected wavefront (RWE) of front surface Without tilt (left side) and without tilt and curvature (right side)
Figure 5: reflected wavefront (RWE) of front surface
without tilt (left side) and without tilt and curvature (right side)

Rear surface

The flatness measured at 632 nm is 2.99 RMS waves, including +4 waves of curvature (in blue on Fig. 5 – left). This means the second surface of the wafer would be slightly concave if it was directly in front of the instrument.  

reflected wavefront (RWE) of rear surface without tilt (left side) and without tilt and curvature (right side)
Figure 6: reflected wavefront (RWE) of rear surface without tilt (left side) and without tilt and curvature (right side)

The front and the rear surfaces shapes given by the Wavesurf software confirms that they are parallel as shown on Figure 8.

MESO schema wafer shape
Figure 7 : glass wafer shape while measurement by MESO


transmitted wavefront (TWE) of the sample without tilt (left side) and without tilt and curvature (right side)
Figure 8: transmitted wavefront (TWE) of the sample without tilt (left side) and without tilt and curvature (right side)

Looking only at high spatial frequencies, we measure 0.008 waves RMS which shows a high quality glass wafer (see Figure 10 – right).

screenshot from Waveview software from Imagine Optic showing the filtering of Zernike coefficients
Wavefront of a glass wafer while filtering Zernike coefficients

Figure 9:  Screenshots from WaveSurf software from Imagine Optic showing the filtering of Zernike coefficients (left) and the residual wavefront (right)

3. Conclusion

This procedure represents a revolution for plane parallel optics metrology such as the 6-inch glass wafer presented in this blog post. The results are not only done in less than a minute but provided with a high resolution (680 x 500 phase point resolution) and accuracy (λ/100 RMS).  

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